1.Guarantee the daily purchasing activity handled on time to meet customer need; Carry out the routine purchasing related tasks according to company guideline and regulations.
2.Work closely with stakeholders to source competitive suppliers for business need.
3.Place/track purchasing orders to ensure timely delivery to meet customer need.
4.Maintain master data on time to ensure the information correct.
5.Supplier management include price, delivery, quality, and relationship with Valmet.
6.Procurement KPI setting with manger and follow up closely. Take actions immediately to
reduce the risk and back to the track.
7.Audit and evaluate suppliers with quality team regularly according to the
company requirement.
8.Plan and conduct annual saving actions to make contribution to the business.
1.College degree or above majored in engineering related
2.Minimum of five (5) years working as procurement in a manufacturing industry
3.Good problem solving and data analysis data
4.Familiar with Microsoft Office system
5.Fluent in both written and oral English
6.Result oriented working attitude.
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